I’m voting for Bush because he is a proven leader. He has a track record of consistent, strong, steadfast leadership that the nation, and the world for that matter, can count on. We know what to expect from his administration. So do our enemies. Al Qeada and the nations that harbor them don’t have to wonder whether or not Bush will take action against them. He will. He has! And we’re much safer as a nation for that fact!. Kerry would submit us to a “global test” before he would take any action against terrorists. We would have to play “mother may I?” with the UN and Europe before we could defend ourselves. Bush knows that would be intolerable.
I'm voting for Bush because under his administration, we will get judges who follow the law, not try to "correct all of society's evils" by legislating from the bench. We would get activist judges under a Kerry administration. I'm voting for Bush because under his administration we stand a chance of real reform in the role of the government. He may not take us to where government only delivers the mail and protects our shores, but he will get us a lot closer than Kerry would. Under liberal Democrats like Kerry, government only gets bigger and more powerful.
I'm voting for Bush because he enacted a real tax cut. Maybe it's not enough, but at least it's real. Kerry would increase taxes to fund the tons of new programs he has promised the deluded to buy their votes! It's a Democrat tradition.
I'm voting for Bush because he will enable local school boards to hold teachers accountable if they don't do their jobs, and will allow parents to chose a better situation if necessary. Kerry would continue to offer only government schools, run by incompetent teachers, who, with their unions, and federal education bureaucrats, force mediocrity and failure down our throats.
I will vote for Bush because he will restore to some degree the role of personal responsibility in our lives. He will enable us to help ourselves, our families, our communities succeed by cutting back some of the onerous regulation and burden the government has thrust upon us all. He understands that only when a person is free to be as successful as possible are they truly free. Kerry would perpetuate the old liberal model where burdensome and unproven scientific theories, cumbersome safety rules, and draconian business regulation have sapped our national spirit to the point where it is almost a miracle that anyone is successful.
I will vote for Bush because he recognizes that while we all will have medical needs at some point in our lives, it is largely our own responsibility and our own business to pay for them. He will maintain a safety net for the truly needy and indigent, but will not be our nanny, our nursemaid, our provider of first resort. Kerry would foster the slippery slide into socialism by nationalizing all health care. We would then be saddled with a system that is neither efficient nor compassionate, but merely an extension of the gray morass of bureaucracy that envelops and deadens the human spirit everywhere it has been tried.
Most importantly, I will vote for Bush because he has restored integrity to the office of the president-- integrity! He will never lie openly about his past experience, merely to enhance his resume. He will not lie under oath-- or to the American people at all. He knows that character matters-- he lives it. Kerry, on the other hand, has shown an utter lack of character when it comes to honesty. His Cambodia fantasy, for example, should have disqualified him from further serious consideration as a candidate for the nation’s highest office. If he was willing to lie about that, for no other reason that to falsely enhance his status as a “war hero”, what on earth would he be unwilling to lie about? He has been, and remains, willing and able to say and do virtually anything –if he thinks it will benefit him in any way, even if just to get a few more votes. He totally lacks the one thing his mother aspired for him to acquire, as her dying wish: –integrity, integrity, integrity! He is in fact a poseur.
For thinking people, who aren’t blinded by shear, vitriolic hatred of all things Bush, the choice couldn’t be clearer. On the one hand, we have a proven world leader, who has met the intractable Islamic terrorist head-on and has made great progress towards defeating him; who has revved up the US economy and made it the envy of the whole world; who can serve unashamedly as a role model for the nation’s youth as a person who isn’t afraid to admit he is guided by principles, honor and valor. He is a president who understands what is meant by the motto: “One nation, under God.”
On the other hand, we have in Kerry an undistinguished twenty year senator; who doesn’t have a record of any legislative accomplishment; leadership, or any kind of progress towards solving any of the nation’s problems. To the contrary, he has been an obstructionist, willing to set up roadblocks to stymie any truly beneficial action on the part of our government including the appointment of qualified judges who he opposed merely because they didn’t fit the paradigm of the special interest groups to whom he is beholden. He has been frequently absent from his committee duties. He has voted against all major weapon systems, against all tax cuts, for all tax increases. He is the most liberal senator of them all. It could be said being the most liberal senator is his only accomplishment in the senate, --if you could call that an accomplishment!
John F. Kerry is in no way fit to occupy the nation’s highest office. Support the president. Reject the pretender. Vote Bush!
1 comment:
I don't have a blog, but I just wanted to say, that that piece was very well stated. Thank you for taking the time to write it!!!
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