Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Shaming of the True

Much was made by the left wing media over Mitt Romney's supposed gaffe when he told a group of fund-raisers, in a private meeting, that 47% of Americans were likely to support Mr. Obama because they are beneficiaries of government largesse. While his statement was true, (in fact it probably understated the reality of how many Americans get government benefits) it was nevertheless panned by Obama supporters as proof Romney was "out of touch" with reality. In fact it was just the opposite. It was proof positive that Romney had a clear-eyed grasp of the truth, even in those early days of his campaign, and that, even then, he knew that he was facing the soul-searing, mind-numbing, next to impossible reality that he had to convince at least 51% of the voters that continuing runaway government spending could not continue even if some of them may be getting government money. In other words, Romney told the truth, and was punished, shamed and ridiculed for it. The election results make it appear that he failed to convince the 51% of voters, or do they? On closer examination, reality may be something entirely different. Voter fraud could have played the key roll in Obama's unlikely triumph.
How is it that those who are willing to point out obvious truths can be made to feel guilty for pointing them out? How can it be that society has been so corrupted that those who support self-reliance, frugality, prudence, clean-living and honest dealing can be held up to public ridicule? It is as though we have, as a society, entered that looking-glass world where "impossible to believe" things must simply be accepted, and to not accept them puts you at risk of symbolically having your head lopped off. When did we come to the point that you will be shamed and suppressed if you tell the truth?
Speaking of impossible to believe things, the improbable increase in turnout in the very voter-districts where Obama was most supported is a pip. What objective person can rationally think that only those super-patriotic voters who live in the most blue sections of Miami, Philadelphia, and Cleveland were somehow motivated to show up in record numbers, often approaching and reaching 100% or more of all eligible voters who live in those districts? Sorry, this doesn't wash, even in this Alice fairy tale world. There is no rational way to explain this. Voter turn-out was down pretty much all over the United States, except in the relatively few crucial Obama-supporting areas where, in spite of high unemployment, out of control deficits, and laughable foreign policy, those highly civic-minded citizens turned out like never before to vote to return Obama to the White House. Ridiculous!
The hardest reality we, as a nation, must face at this point includes the apparently utter futility of pursuing the truth about this election. At this point in our descent to societal oblivion, even if incontrovertible evidence from multiple unimpeachable sources were brought forward that proved, without a doubt,that Obama won reelection due to outright fraud, you wouldn't be able to correct this injustice. Obama would remain president is spite of it. The press would ignore and do everything in their power to suppress and ridicule your proof. You wouldn't be able to find a single judge or court who had the courage to risk the outrage this course of events would undoubtedly produce in the very 47% of Americans Mr. Romney was referencing in his remarks to his backers not so long ago. We all would be cowed into submission. This is the sad reality of America today. We have reached point where we are willing to call evil good, and good evil, up is down, down is up, green is purple, orange is green. We've arrived behind the looking glass (and it is an evil place) and it appears doubtful we'll ever find our way back.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Not Passing The Smell Test

The improbable election of Barak Obama to a 2nd term in spite of the terrible economy, obvious foreign policy blunders, and general incompetence of his administration smacks of outright fraud. No president has ever been reelected in our entire previous history with all the terrible economic numbers and general presidential malpractice Mr. Obama has demonstrated. So how did it happen? Fraud, pure and simple.
A few numbers to illustrate the point: 24 states currently do not require any form of ID to vote. Mr. Obama won 17 of these. The only reason a state would allow persons to vote without identifying themselves is to allow voter fraud. There is no other plausible reason. This practice invariably benefits the Democrat party. Therefore it is no surprise that the Democrats dominate the state legislatures in the states that do not require any form of voter ID.
How do they do it? One might think fraud on such a grand scale would be impossible to carry out, but if you break it down, it doesn't have to be on a broad scale at all. If you review the county by county map of the 2012 election, you'll note that Mr. Obama doesn't cary the vast majority of all the counties in the United States. In fact, he only needs to cary a few key counties is the "swing" states such as Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio to win the election. If he can win the counties in the major cities in those states, he wins.... every time. So the goal is to cary those counties by a large enough margin to offset the results in all the other counties. Since all of those cities are dominated by Mr. Obama's natural support demographic: unions, minorities and welfare recipients, it only takes a little extra effort to garner just enough votes. This is done by canvassing the neighborhoods to get lists of voters who are not likely to show up, and then have others vote for them, having dead persons left on the voter rolls for years after they die and just plain faking votes. Early voting also gives ample time for them to manufacture the results they want. Illegal aliens voting and felons casting ballots also makes up a portion of the needed fraudulent margin. This accounts for the voting districts in Philadelphia where over 100% of voters have voted and where more votes have been cast than the number of persons who are living in the district. This also happened in Florida among other states.
At this point, it seems like a long shot that our democratic republic will long endure. Voter fraud is most likely the quickest way to destroy the fabric of our society and nation. If we can't trust the vote to be honest and above-board, what can we trust? It is sad really that there are enough political hacks, union organizers and community activists out there who lack the character to refuse to participate in what is obvious fraud. Any gains they think they are getting by this nefarious activity will be short-lived, and when the country's economy collapses, as it surely must, they will be the ones who are screaming the loudest, and shamefully blaming others. Count on it.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Beware The Lawyers

Write this down:
If the election is at all close in any of the "battleground" states, and Romney comes out on top, the Democrat lawyers will file a lawsuit to block the results. They will then go to work to invent enough votes to cancel out the Romney victory and prop up their candidate. Since the Democrats "own" the judges, they could easily prevail in court. They have already demonstrated their proclivity to do exactly that in the senate race in Minnesota and the govenor's race in Washington. The also tried the same stategy in Florida in 2000.
The only way to prevent this is for Romney's margin to be so large that even to most corrupt among them won't dare to try such a stunt. Make it close, and they'll steal it. Count on it.