Friday, October 15, 2004

Kerry - No class

It's always interesting to view how politicians will reveal their true character, even if unwittingly, through their words and actions. John F. Kerry started revealing his character years ago after a dubious four month tour of duty in Vietnam, when he came home and betrayed his comrades in arms. Additionally, he quickly started a life-long practice of aiding and abetting the enemies of this country by going to France to meet with the enemy, in violation of his oath as an officer in the US Navy. He has consistently reinforced his image as a less-than-honorable person by voting against the interests of the military, against intelligence gathering, against any tax cut or spending cut; in short-- against the true interest of his own country.

Perhaps the most striking example of his lack of character is the made-up tripe about his supposed war record; especially the Cambodia story. It is amazing that he could lie, blatantly, about this on numerous occasions, without a hint of compunction. What is almost equally amazing is that the major news media has given him a complete and total pass when his obvious lie was brought to light! The depths to which our fourth estate has plunged boggles the mind.

Now, he has cinched the deal by stooping to smear the children of his political opponent in an unprecedented way. This new low in the world of political chicanery deserves a special place in the political hall of shame!

Yet, once again, the major media are attempting to "let it pass." This outrage, along with all others this person has perpetrated needs to be brought out over and over again. Since CBS, ABC, NBC and the other alphabet news networks won't do it, it will be up to us--the new media--, to make sure it happens. We can't let it pass. The stakes are too high. Anybody, who isn't blinded by shear, irrational hatred of Bush should be able to see through this fraud. We must help them.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

While the fog of war might obscure the details of the events of John Kerry’s service in Vietnam, the picture of his character we get from the men he served with is not so easy to erase. The picture becomes crystal clear when John Kerry returns home and promptly defames those very same men before an eager antiwar public.

The John Kerry who wrote “The New Soldier” is not a man I would want anywhere near the White House, let alone sitting in its Oval Office…

Anonymous said...

Kerry lost many, many female voters by this gaffe. It's almost sure to be his "tank photo op" moment in this campaign.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. While I cannot figure out how to get my password to work I appreciate your written word and sentiment. Now, back to HHewitt


Mr.Atos said...

The Left continues to make endless excuses for Kerry, while the media gives him a pass on every gaff. The man is worshipping a chimera of self esteem that masks a personal loathing waiting to be revealed. I can't think of a more dangerous personality to have in the role of leadership.