So Kerry’s story about meeting with all the members of the UN security counsel before voting to authorize Bush to go to war is yet another –big fat lie!? Again!? The Washington Times sure thinks so. RedState has the same story, as does Powerline. Any bets the MSM will ignore it?
Kerry, it seems, just can’t help himself. He lies, he lies, he lies. He frequently lies to beef up his own bona fides, even when he doesn’t have to . His are not innocent, harmless little lies like Al Gore’s about inventing the internet or inspiring Love Story. No, Kerry’s lies involve important foreign policy issues. His lie about going to Cambodia Christmas Eve is one example. His lies about seeing large numbers of war atrocities committed by fellow soldiers in Viet Nam is another.
The result of his lying is that he often has to tell additional lies to try and cover up the lies he told before. For example, when fellow Swift Boat veterans started showing up, Kerry, lied by saying they didn’t serve with him in Vietnam and that they were all lying about him!? What!? You mean those 254 Swift Boat veterans, from all over the country, from all walks of life, from every political persuasion... are all lying about what they saw, heard, experienced? They’re all lying-- except Kerry?
Sounds a little far-fetched to me.
This reminds me of an old story about Mrs. Kelly:
Mrs. Kelly had a neer-do-well son, named Jim. Jim was a little slow, a little uncoordinated, a little short of a full load-- but NOTHING could diminish the admiration and unbounded enthusiasm his mother had for him.
He was always the last pick for playground games-- didn't matter to Mrs. Kelly: "they're just jealous, Jim!" She would tell him.
He always got the lowest marks at school– didn't faze Mrs. Kelly:
"The teachers all hate him" she would pine.
One day, all the students were to march in the St. Patrick day parade. While the band master fretted and worried about what he could do, since the head master wouldn't let him exclude Jim, he finally decided to let him march carrying a banner in between his two finest marchers. He hoped they would inspire him to do well. But it wasn't to be.
Sure enough, when the parade came along... Jim's feet were striding just the opposite of all the rest of the band, even though he wasn't even playing any instrument.
Didn't matter to Mrs. Kelly though. She beamed with pride, loudly exclaiming: "Just look! They're all out of step-- but Jim!"
When will Kerry’s “band” admit he is out of step? What level of lying will cause people to start doubting everything he says. IMHO he passed that level years ago. Here’s hoping the Times’ efforts at setting the record straight will help us send this liar back to be the Jr. Senator from Mass. He can lie all he wants there. They like liars. They must, they keep electing Teddy!?
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