Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Diminishing Democrats

The spectacle of the recent Judge Alito hearings has cemented more than anything else the notion that the party of FDR has painted itself into a corner from which it will be very hard for them to escape. As one after another of the committee members parroted the moveon.org line that somehow this well-spoken, avuncular, middle-of-the-road scholarly judge was way out of the mainstream of the American public, it became crystal clear how far out of the mainstream the Democrats really have strayed. The fact is, the American people simply are not buying it. The more Kennedy and his ilk try to paint Judge Alito with the “extremist” brush, the sillier they look. Contrast this braying with the reasoned, logical points president Bush made in his speech in Kansas yesterday. It can’t be happy to be a Democrat these days.

Republicans need to keep hammering home the point that Democrats simply can’t be trusted with the security of the nation. Schumer, Biden, Kennedy, Hilary, et. al. are simply not up to it. Thank goodness!


Anonymous said...

Our president and logical comment in the same sentence--never thought I'd see the day.

Lucy Stern said...

I sure hope this all turns out the right way. Kennedy and his clan are talking themselves blue in the face.

T. F. Stern said...

I think you got it all about right, sorry to see you got spammed by travismiller; one of those computer generated comment makers.