Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Democrat Nay Sayers Just Can’t Help It – Pity Them

On this historic day, when several thousand years of anti-democratic tradition in Iraq has been dealt yet another blow, our leftist friends must feel as though they have been punched right in the nose! After all the experts they trotted out to explain to us that the Iraqi people are incapable of living under a democratic system, and how the “freedom fighters” or “insurgents” or whatever the left is calling terrorists these days would never permit free, fair, elections to take place. That we have failed in Iraq. That our efforts have all been in vain. That America is responsible for nothing but increased violence and destruction in Iraq. We are broken, and must pull out immediately.

Yet there in Iraq of all places –in spite of all the negative drum beating– we see millions of people who have literally risked their very lives to vote. The vast majority of people in Iraq have freely chosen democracy. They defied the terrorists. They defied the news media. They defied all of the leftist experts. And not only did they go and vote, they marked themselves defiantly, –with a purple finger– as if to tell the thugs who would intimidate them, both in Iraq and in the USA, to shove it! How many smug, self-important Americans would go and vote, then dip their finger in ink to prove they have voted, if there was even the possibility that harm would come to them as a result? Very few I’d wager! We usually don’t even have a majority of those who are eligible even show up when there is no danger whatsoever attached! How many less would vote if there were any danger at all involved, however remote? How loud would the leftist democrats scream if somebody proposed we ink our fingers to prevent voter fraud? To prove that we voted, and only voted once, –what a concept? They’d never permit it, discrimination don’t you know!?!

Today’s images of democracy succeeding in Iraq makes the defeatist ranting of Murtha, Kennedy, Reid, and Dean sound particularly hollow, silly and pathetic. They deserve nothing but scorn and derision, –and maybe pity.

As we rejoice with the Iraqi people, we need to stop and remember what a blessing and privilege it is to live in a free, democratic country, where every citizen has the right and duty to vote. We need to remember how many millions would literally die to enjoy this freedom. We need to remember how many millions are living in daily despair of ever enjoying the freedom the Iraqis tasted today. We need to remember how many great people have died to procure it for us. Then we need to humbly give thanks!

1 comment:

Lucy Stern said...

Too many people take their freedom for granted. It's great to see the wonderful response of the voters. I hope it works out.