Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Making a Deal With the Devil

The gang of seven did it. Seven liberal Republican Senators thwarted the will of the Senate majority. Since this bunch is totally convinced that they know better than the other 48 Republican senators, they went behind closed doors, and without the consent of the president, or Senator Frist, they cut a deal with the devil. Oh, to be sure the devil promised that he would behave, and only would make mischief if extraordinary circumstances exist. (Read that to mean they will filibuster anybody they damn well please.) News Flash! Democrats don’t keep their promises. Especially their political promises given to Republicans. Just ask George Bush Sr.

Most conservatives are rightly outraged by this treason. Some are looking for a silver lining in the deal. At best it is a disgusting example of political chicanery. It is also a further example of how Republicans don’t know how to be the majority.

The big loser in this deal, besides the American people, is Bill Frist. He had the rug pulled out from under him in a big way. I can’t see how he can recover even a sliver of his chances of being the GOP nominee in 2008. Politically, he looks to be finished.

We now wait with bated breath to see if the Republican leadership, from the president on down, will demonstrate the courage to make sure these mavericks get some consequences. They deserve to be spanked for their temerity. I, for one, will not be holding my bated breath until punishment is administered.. I have been disappointed far too many times in the past.

What a revolting development this turned out to be.


T. F. Stern said...

I was wondering what it would take to get a new post out of you. The problem with having spineless leaders shows up more clearly when they are required to do what is proper and right. That requires more than they have to offer. How is it that they are so easily put into office?

Lucy Stern said...

Robert, I think we elected a bunch of babies. It scares me to see how the Republican party is "shaking in their boots" about making decisions.