Monday, May 30, 2005

Less Than a Week

So, how long did it take Democrats to break their promise of no filibusters in exchange for the capitulation of seven weak-kneed Republicans? Less than a week! In fact they filibustered the first nominee they had the chance to vote on. They filibustered John Bolton. And their reaction when this is pointed out? What else? They simply lied about it. Harry Reid, the shameless Democrat minority leader said: "We're not here to filibuster Bolton..." What? When you prevent an up or down vote on one of the president’s nominees by requiring a 60 senator majority to allow a vote, it’s a filibuster! Then he had the gall to add: "It is not the fault of the Democratic Senators..." Oh no? Let’s see: 40 votes to filibuster were cast by Democrats. That's all it takes to make a filibuster stick. Sure seems to me that it is the fault of the Democrat senators. The Democrat MINORITY stopped Bolton from being confirmed. No other way to look at it.

If that doesn’t let all Republicans, and everyone else in America, know the true nature of Democrats, nothing will. Simply put, they can’t be trusted. They will lie about this and every other political thing. They can only be defeated and it looks we’re going to need to replace any weak-sister Republican who insists on playing nicey-nice with them. It appears to be the only solution. Toss them out!

1 comment:

T. F. Stern said...

A basic rule of thumb, Liars are going to lie. If you learn nothing else, learn that one. So, why are we electing Senators who have not learned this basic rule?