Thursday, August 09, 2012

Fox Radio New: Fair and Balanced?

The much ballyhooed slogan that Fox Radio News is fair and balanced is bogus, and the assertion by the left that Fox Radio News is biased in favor of conservatives is even more bogus. Just today, another example of liberal bias was presented several times on the hourly news by Fox Radio News.
The report led with several positive clips featuring Barak Obama himself bashing Romney for wanting to deprive women of their health care. (Which is an absurd gratuitous assertion, not based in fact.) No evidence or support was provided but the reporter just let it go uncommented. This was followed by a reporter saying Romney was campaigning in New York, but apparently Fox was unable to get a sound clip from Romney for some reason because his voice was never heard. In fact, you will almost never hear Mr. Romney's actual voice, unless the reporter thinks his comments will cast him in a negative light. This is typical for all news media. If Romney is covered at all by the mainstream media, including Fox News, it is to try and demean him.
They then went on to assert that the Romney campaign was upset by the latest Obama ad suggesting that Romney was responsible for the death of a cancer victim. They didn't say why. They didn't report any facts to back up the questionable assertions the ad makes. The didn't quote from the numerous "fact checkers" who have already called this ad "despicable lies." They didn't do any actual reporting at all! Fox Radio News: Fair and Balanced? Hardly

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