Monday, September 11, 2006

Edited, but Still a Powerful Clinton Indictment

The Path to 9/11 should be viewed by all Americans. There has been a lot of nonsense by assorted leftists about “historical liberties” taken and some minor edits were done, but the central message of the mini-series remained very clear: The Clinton Administration had ample opportunity to eliminate Osama Bin Laden but failed do so! Clinton was so dissolute in his political philosophy and personal life that he was literally rendered impotent. His administration lacked the will, purpose and ability to protect us from Islamic terrorism. This failure had tremendous consequences. Clinton could not, or would not act and the nation paid the ultimate price for his weakness on 9/11/2001. ABC deserves enormous gratitude and kudos for having what Clinton so obviously lacks: the courage to tell the truth!

Perhaps the most telling line of the mini-series, so far, was delivered by the Northern Alliance leader who was working with a CIA field agent to eliminate Bin Laden: “Are there no men in Washington? Or are they all cowards?” That leader had it right. The fact that the Clinton administration were all cowards became crystal clear when they began to squirm and squeal at the mere notion that the light of day was going to be shed on their dereliction of duty. It is evident to everyone that they failed us terribly, and no amount of cover up can hide that fact. They know it, we know it and everybody with any sense knows it. As Shakespeare made clear, sometimes those who “protest too much” are merely attempting to hide the evident truth.

Perhaps just a bad as their failure to act to get Bin Laden, is the ominous actions of Bill Clinton, his lawyers, and assorted members of his former administration to scotch the whole project. They didn’t want it edited, they wanted it canceled. No amount of editing could erase the basic truth underlying this slice of history: Clinton failed. That sitting Democratic office holders would sink so low as to threaten the broadcast license of a major network because they didn’t want the truth to be told about their failures, speaks volumes as to the character of that party. In a fair and just world, they would be punished for their attempts to censor at the polls. They would lose the upcoming elections. Here’s hoping that’s just what happens. In the meanwhile, we should thank ABC profusely for their courage in the face of incredible pressure.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, but the other big question: It's been 5 years SINCE Sept 11, why can't Bush get Bin Laden? Aren't they both to blame? Is Bin Laden a one-trick Pony or will he strike again. If he does, whose fault will it be? By your own logic, Bush's fault.

T. F. Stern said...

Bill Clinton lacked the character traits necessary to carry out the duties of President. His masterful political skills got him into the White House; however, it did not make up for those skills which he never had.
Honesty, Integrity, a desire to Serve those who elected you, and "Gravitas" ( I love that one).

But, as he so joyfully exclaimed upon leaving office, "I had a great time!"; as if he'd gone to a great football game. What a waste of talent.

Lucy Stern said...

I agree with you on this one. Clinton showed his true colors while demanding that the network not show it.

I also think that they should have put more time into finding Bin Laden, before going to Iraq. He is still a pest that needs to be eradicated.