Friday, July 08, 2005

Too Little, Too Late

Muslim leaders in London are speaking out in an effort to convince the world that they don’t support the kind of Islamic terrorism that was likely behind yesterday’s bombings. It’s hard to take them seriously. Why are they doing this now? Where were they when their own Islamic Clergy routinely supported terrorism and denounced western civilization? Why do they expect us to believe that they don’t support terrorism when they support financially the very groups that foment it? Why did they allow the very terrorists who committed this crime to live hidden among them? Why didn’t they denounce these murderers to the authorities before they struck? Their attempt to show indignation now smacks of grandstanding – for sure a case of too little, too late.

It is very hard for any reasonable person to believe that these people didn’t know who at least some of the cell members were; --or where they lived, --or what they were up to. This is a very tight community. They know pretty much everything that goes on in it. When somebody new moves in, or out, they know it. They have representatives on all the major municipal councils in the city of London. They are not isolated from the people and trends that are sweeping through their conclaves. Muslim leaders, more than anyone else, are in a unique position to know who did this.

An attack of this magnitude required many hours of planning. It required many, many people to provide the intelligence, logistics and financial support needed to carry it off. Do the leaders who are protesting really expect us to believe they had no clue anything was up? It is much easier to believe that their demonstrations and protestations against these attacks are more about fostering Islam by currying political favor and cover in the mainstream media. Is it all about fooling us? Is it all lip service? After all, subterfuge is an accepted tactic in the cause of Islam.

Until they start ferreting out and turning in Islamic Terrorists who live in their midst, it will be very hard to put much credence in their demonstrations against the attacks and in their protestations that "true" Muslims don't support this kind of thing. It looks more like a PR ploy than a genuine denunciation. Action speaks louder than words. Until they are willing to take affirmative action to clean out the terrorist cells, heretofore hidden by them or at the very least given a pass by them, their words will have little meaning. A true religion of peace would not tolerate murderers in its ranks. The civilized world will believe them when they act against the terrorists --not just talk against them.

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