Sunday, February 06, 2005

Kennedy Shows the Democrat's True Colors

On Tim Russert today we saw a very revealing picture of what leftists always propose as a solution to every issue and as remedy to every national problem --tax increases! When pressed by Russert for the Democrat's solution to the Social Security problem Kennedy demanded Bush raise taxes. He specifically said:

MR. RUSSERT: So you would roll back the president's tax cuts.

SEN. KENNEDY: That's a possible--for one-third, he wants to make it permanent. You can roll back just one-third of it and solve the Social Security problem. ...

No other way to paint what he said. He proposed raising taxes. Russert even acknowledged it. And anyone who thinks he only wants back one third of the Bush tax cuts doesn’t know Senator Kennedy very well. He wants continuous, huge tax increases to fund the laundry list of socialist programs he has promised his left-wing core constituency ranging from socialized medicine to government guaranteed so-called “living” wages. It's the only solution to every problem in the democrat play book. It's the first thing they think of. It's what they suggest every time. They go right to it, --raising taxes almost is a Pavlovian response. You sound a whistle, they scream "raise taxes." Of course, raising taxes never works. Throwing more money at a social problem never works as a solution. They threw billions at poverty during LBJ's War on Poverty. The result: more poverty. Throwing more money at problems by raising taxes only accomplishes one thing: It provides more money for Democrats to spend on their pet programs. They buy votes with this tax revenue. That's why they always oppose tax cuts and always support tax increases. Higher taxes is their life blood. It’s how they survive.

Fortunately, the American people are no longer buying it. The "raising taxes" solution has largely fallen out of favor with the majority of Americans. The past two presidential election cycles demonstrates that fact. Bush campaigned on cutting taxes twice, and was elected --twice. He therefore has a clear mandate to cut taxes, not raise them. Kennedy can urge higher taxes all he wants. He’s unlikely to get them.

Raising taxes won's solve the Social Security problem any more than it solved the war on poverty problem, or the horrible inner city schools problem. The more taxes and spending are increased, the worse these problems get. Throwing more taxpayer money something accomplishes only one thing: --It wastes a lot of taxpayer money. The only solution that will work to "fix" Social Security is to abolish it. Bush has proposed doing exactly that --incrementally. Hopefully, within this century, Social Security will consist of what it should –each individual taking care of himself and his own family, and donating funds through charity to take care of those who truly can’t take care of themselves. Having government dipping its fingers into the administration of charity is always a bad idea. Expecting people to care for themselves and their families is always a good idea. Bravo Mr. Bush!


T. F. Stern said...

Nice to see you back writing again, what did you think Kennedy was going to say, "I've been mistaken all this time, George W. Bush ia my hero and I will follow him.
Nyet, nada, zip and no way Jose. It aint gonna happen.

A Red Mind in a Blue State said...

Actually they only want to raise the taxes on "the rich".

The problem is, most Democrats include in that phrase mnay people who consider themselves "middle class", or even "just getting by".

I've only heard one Democrat ever foolish enough to define "rich", and that was one of the Kennedy kids (I forget if it was the one who molested the baby sitter, or the one who ...well, never mind) He said $100,000 per year or more.

Two parents, both working--does 100K sound rich to you? I live in an area with 8 1/4% sales tax, and real estate taxes that average around $9,000 per year. 100K is fine--but rich? I don't think so!