This Sunday American health care as we knew it died. Another chunk of America's freedom died with it. The finest health care system in the world was killed by greedy politicians, who in an astonishing fit of political pique, passed a socialized medicine bill in spite of the overwhelming evidence that the American people didn't want it. They passed it having never read the bill. They passed on the basis of bald-faced lies about how it can be done without raising taxes (Ha), by cutting out waste, fraud and abuse (Ha Ha), and by cutting what doctors and hospitals can earn. (Ha, Ha, Ha) Their principal lie was the whopper about 30 million Americans without any access to health care. That is a lie of stupendous proportions. Just check any emergency room in any hospital in America and you'll see these "uninsured" Americans, including illegal aliens, getting all the health care they want, for free. None can be turned away. It's the law. Nonetheless, Obama and his minions steamrollered this monstrosity on all of us in the name of helping these "uninsured" victims who were already covered.
This was never about providing health care. It won't, except very inefficiently. It was never about covering the uninsured. They were all already covered for all practical purposes. What was it about then? It was, and is, all about power. The more power the leftists can wield, the better they like it. And now they have complete control of one sixth of the American economy. And they would like to control 100% of the American economy. They will continue to jam the next batch of destructive bills such as "cap and trade" down our collective throats unless and until we put a stop to it. How? By making sure they lose control of congress this fall. It is that simple. And it is essential at this point.
Tonight many states held the party political caucuses. Here's hoping the next generation of no-nonsensence politicians were nominated and are on their way to replacing the embarrassing gang that killed health care in this country. Our nation's survival depends on it.