That’s the headline that should be appearing in all newspapers across the country. Instead this terrorist act is being downplayed as merely the odd act of a deranged person. This Muslim activist planned the event for a long time, and even went to a car rental agency to get a larger vehicle so he could kill as many Americans as possible. He proudly admits he did it to avenge all of the so-called "crimes" we supposedly have been committing against peaceful Islam world-wide. This admission would seem to scream to any rational, sane person that this man is a terrorist. Yet the media are covering it only as a traffic accident. Why? It appears some of us are so afraid of being politically incorrect we have ceased to be rational. ACLU lawyers sure don’t seem to fit in the mold of "sane or rational." Nor does the antique media.
The longer we are willing to keep our heads in the sand, the more likely it is that this type of terrorist attack will continue to happen. The fact is we are dealing with an enemy who has no desire or proclivity to understand us, or negociate with us. They want to KILL us! They will kill us every time they are given the chance. Why do we keep giving them the chance? Why do we continue to welcome Muslim activists on our college campuses? All Muslims who are not willing to absolutely and unequivocally denounce the murder and mayhem committed by their fellow Muslims in Iraq, Pakistan or wherever, should immediately be deported. Including students and professors. Why do we allow activist radical Muslim students and professors here anyway? You have to ask yourself: "How many American students and professors were allowed to remain studying in Germany and Japan during World War Two? Answer? None! What’s the difference now? Our national security and even our very survival depends on taking this threat seriously. It’s maddening to see how lightly it is being taken by some people. "Moderate Muslims," if in fact they exist, must denounce Muslim violence such as that perpetrated by this activist and must be willing to back up their words with actions. American Muslims should be volunteering to join the American army and go to Iraq to root out the Islamic terrorists who are still killing Americans and peaceful Iraqis. If they are truly patriotic Americans, they should be helping this country establish democracy in Iraq. That they are not doing so, makes one wonder how sincere their condemnations of Muslim terrorist acts really are.
We will loose this war unless we are willing to get serious about it. Civilization itself is at stake.